Town of DeWitt Republican Committee



Tim Ko- ChairWelcome to the Town of DeWitt Republican Committee web site.

Our goal is to provide you with an informative platform for matters of local, State and National interest.


Our committee is responsible for selecting Republican candidates for Town office and we also have a role in selecting candidates for County, State and Federal office.  At every level, our goal is to promote candidates that emphasize personal liberty, fiscal and personal responsibility, limited taxation, and an efficient government.  We believe that these principals are every bit as important at the local level as they are at the State and National level.  We also believe that these principals can effectively promote the prosperity of individuals, families, businesses, and the environment at the same time.

We find ourselves in a challenging economic time.  Families are being asked to balance their budgets with fewer resources.  We believe that local, State and Federal governments bear the same responsibility.


We are committed, and seek candidates that are committed, to keeping DeWitt a safe, affordable, and great place to live, work, raise a family and do business.


We are interested in hearing from you and encourage you to join in our cause.  Please subscribe to our e-newsletter to be updated on items of local, State and National interest.



Tim Ko

DeWitt Republican Committee Chairman







"The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much."

~ Ronald Reagan


"Socialism is a philosophy of failure.  The creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy.  Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery . . ."

~ Winston Churchill


Website and graphics design by Michael Kieloch, ©2005